Monday 14 May 2007

Am I back?

The reason I ask is because everytime I say I am back online, something always stops me blogging as much as I would like to!

Well hopefully now that I have a computer to myself again (thanks to my lovely step-dad!), I should be able to be online more!

Since I last posted i have done heaps of scrapping, but I wont bore you with it all. This is just my latest 4 that I did over the weekend. There are others that you probably haven't seen in my 3AS gallery (unless of course you are a 3AS girl and then you would have seen them).

This one is of my brother in law Samuel. I don't particularly like the LO, but I love the photo of him.
Gemma and her first teething rusk
Ashca at a friends wedding
Chloe and Coby, about how they just LOVE playing together
So much has happened since I last posted. Too much to catch up on!
Here is just a brief rundown though...

Me: I have been scrapping a fair bit. I have also been organising my scrap classes. My first one is this weekend. I am soooo excited! I am pretty nervous too though.

Chloe: She is going through a real testing and defiant stage which is totally doing my head in! Lots of tantrums and just generally being difficult. Hmmmm... just as I typed that, she ran up and hugged me then ran off to play again! She must have sensed what I was typing!

Ashca: She is our wild child now! She is so full on it's exhausting! She has also just learnt how to wave. It's very cute!

Gemma: She has had a tough couple of weeks. 2 weeks ago all the girls were sick, Gem and Ash mainly, and since then Gem just has not been right. She hasn't slept as well as she used to, and wasn't drinking her bottles much at all. I am happy to say though in the last 2 days or so, things are looking better for her. She is playing more, sleeping more and drinking more.

Israel: he is so busy with everything in his life these days. He is so busy with everything he has to do at work. It's a total misconception that teachers only work 9-3:30. He has to be at work by 8am, and often wont leave til 5pm or later, and then still has heaps of work to do at home! I really feel for him, because it's hard for him to find a balance between work and family. I think it will all settle down over time though. I just wish I could help him more.

Ummmm... I think that is pretty much all I can think of to say right now. I do have some photos to show of Mothers Day but I will do that in a new post. See you again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay to the new puta! Pages all look great too. Charlee is going through the same stage as chloe by the sounds of it. She is throwing tanties left, right and center at the moment. Such a pain...