Tuesday 1 May 2007

I miss my puter!

I just don't seem to get online enough these days. It's really very annoying!

But tonight (or should I say this morning? It's 12:19am you see!) I am uploading photos to be printed at our local camera store. And it's taking ages, so I thought I would jump on and finally say g'day again.

I finally caved in and decided that I can't cope without my computer so now my step dad Max is going have a look around at his work tomorrow to see if there are any old computers I could use. I don't mind if it is something crappy, I just want something! We will hopefully be getting me a new computer in a year or so, so if Max can get me one, this will just be a tie me through until then. I so hope he can find one!

Well lots has been happening here this month. We have been doing soo much it's kind of annoying actually. I am looking forward to having a weekend where nothing is on, but of course, something is always on! If we have a free night, we always find ourselves saying "hey lets invite someone over". We love entertaining!

This weekend just gone I was up in Sydney. And all by myself too! It was kind of sad being away from my chickies, I missed them sooo much! But I think I actually needed a break. Some time out. I missed Israel sooo much too! I found myself picking up my phone to call him at every opportunity. I think he actually got a bit sick of me calling!
The reason I was up in Sydney was for my grandfathers wake. It was great to see the whole family again, and we had a good time celebrating Jock's life. Lots of good stories told, and lots of yummy desserts!
Here are some photos:
all the cousins...


The wake was on the Saturday night. On the Saturday, Dad took me clothes shopping for my birthday and mothers day. I got a whole new wardrobe. It's amazing how new clothes make you feel sooo good! We went a bit overboard money wise though!
Here is a photo of me and Dad. It's at the airport though, but I am wearing some of the new clothes we bought...

On the Sunday morning I caught up with lovely 3AS girls. Now that was a FUN time! I had such an awesome time meeting them all in real life! For those of you who don't know, 3AS is 3 Angels Scrapping. It's a scrapping forum, gallery and shop. I hang out there whenever I can! If you want to check it out, the link is in the sidebar.
Here is a photo of all us girls together:

Talking about scrapping.... sooo much is going on at the moment. Of course I have my usually albums that I am constantly working on. Then I am also involved in the 3AS circle journal. And last Friday I also got an email from Scrapbook Creations saying that they wanted one of my pages! I am soooo excited that I am finally going to be published! I will post on here when the mag is released. The acceptance has inspired me to have a go at the For Keeps Awards of Excellence. I don't care if I don't win anything, but I think it will just be good to have the challenge of going for it, there is a bit that I will need to do for it!
On top of all this I have decided to try doing some classes. I will be holding the first class here in a couple of weeks, and so far only have 2 people booked in, but hopefully more will book soon. It is a beginners class the first one, and then I will progress on to bigger stuff after that. I am charging $10 per person and that includes a ticket to the door prize. So I personally think it's a pretty good deal. Anyway, I give it a try, and if it doesn't work out, at least I know I have tried!
Another thing I am doing is I am now going to organise craft stuff with my MBA. First up I am holding a craft night at my house. It's going to be open to everyone with any type of craft. Basically for everyone to just sit arounf and do their own thing and have a good old chin wag! I am really looking forward to it!

Oh my oh my! It is soooo late! I really should get to bed!


Anonymous said...

Well done girlfriend!!! so proud of you!! glad all went well up north. It's good to have you back though. Can't wait to check out all your new clothes...pity my baby belly is too big to borrow them! hehe. Love ya, J xox

Alison said...

Thanks for motivating us all to get together Dannii, it was great meeting you irl!!
Good luck with your classes, sounds like fun!

Angela said...

Dannii, it;s been so long since i've spoken to you. I feel so slack.

I'm glad that your Grandfather's wake went well. You sure have a nice big family there.

Congrats on your SC acceptance. You should definitely enter the FK comp too. I love your work.

Are you holding classes at your house? That sounds great. Well done. :)

You know i'm always up for a chat and a catch up so let me know if you want to.
