Monday 16 April 2007

Blogs don't like me!

Well here we are at yet another blog! I just don't seem to have much luck with blogs. The first blog I had kept failing so I changed it. Then the next one I just didn't like how it worked, so I tried to change to typepad, but it wouldn't accept my credit card, so I went to squarespace. I had a 30 day free trial that stopped yesterday. I liked the blog so decided to pay to upgrade it, but again it wouldn't work. I tried typepad again, with again, no luck! So here I am at the good old blogger that everyone uses. It's boring and doesn't have the options I want, but at least it works and I can blog again!

So sorry to change it on everyone yet again, lets see if this one can last though!

Israel is at CAPE/CASE (teachers conference) today and tomorrow and he is not allowed to take his laptop, so I have got it! It's very exciting for me, but it also means the housework is being ignored! Not good!

I have people coming for dinner tonight, so I really should get onto the housework. I will try and come back later and put in some recent pics and LO's for you to see.

1 comment:

Angela said...

It's good to have you back online!! I will follow you around, don't worry.